Web Links

Church Links
Chinese Gospel Church - Official website of Chinese Gospel Church of Toronto.
AGC - Official website of The Associated Gospel Churches.

Other Ministries
Grace To You - Online ministry of John MacArthur. Thousands of sermons and articles.
Desiring God - God-centred resources from the ministry of John Piper.
Ligonier Ministries - Ministry of R.C. Sproul. Home of Tabletalk devotionals.

Book Reviews
Discerning Reader - Holding books up to the light of Scripture. Book reviews with Biblical discernment. Recommended Books - Recommended Christian books that are Biblically sound and practical.

Bible Gateway - Online Bible. Includes multiple languages and translations.
Our Daily Bread - Online devotionals for Christians.
Bible Bulletin Board - Collection of sermons and articles from various preachers.
World Magazine - An evangelical news weekly with a definite conservative stance. - Blog of Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. - Home of Tim Challies, blogger, author, and book reviewer. Lots of good articles.
CBMW - Useful resources pertaining to Biblical manhood and womanhood.
9Marks - A ministry dedicated to helping build healthy churches. Lots of useful articles.
Monergism - Classic Articles and Resources of the Historical Christian Faith

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